A Webliography of Marine Geology

This webliography was created to serve the needs of new graduate students in the School of Marine and Atmospheric Science enrolled in  MGG 501: Introduction to Marine Geology.  This material is meant to supplement the textbooks and reserve materials required by the professors and to provide additional links to resources for further study.

General Oceanography Reference works
Maps and Atlases
Electronic Journals
Other Useful links


School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Library - http://libraries.mit.edu Using MIT as a placeholder for this non-existent school.

International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers (IAMSLIC) -http://www.mrl.cofc.edu/sail/IAMSLIClibraries.html - search the catalogs and resources of the libraries at at marine science centers worldwide.


Marine Geology by J.P. Kennett.  Located in general collection QE39.K46. This is an exceedingly well written and organized introduction to the topic, and a good starting place for basic questions.

The Ocean Basins: Their Structure and Evolution published by the Open University. Located in general collection QE39.O23 1998.

Understanding Earth by Frank Press et. al. Located in general collection QE28.P9 2001. More general geology than Kennett but explains geologic concepts clearly and may be useful to those entering this class with no geology background.

General Oceanography Reference Works:

Encyclopedia of Marine Sciences  - Located in the Reference Room GC9 .E56 1998.

The Encyclopedia of Oceanography -  Located in the Reference Room GC9.F164 1966.

Encyclopedia of beaches and coastal environments - Located in the Reference Room QE501 .E56 V.15.

Glossary of Oceanography and the Related Geosciences with References by Steven K. Baum http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/paleo/paleogloss/paleogloss.html

Glossary of Oceanographic Terms  - Located in the Reference Room  GC9.U584 1966.

NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Acronym Search  http://acronyms.pmel.noaa.gov/
What do all those letters mean? Find out here.

Maps and Atlases

USGS maps database  http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/

Coastal features map http://earthtrends.wri.org/maps_spatial/maps_detail_static.cfm?map_select=194
&theme=1  A global map of the distribution of coastal features such as barrier islands, deltas, reefs, and continental shelf types, courtesy of  The World Resources Institute.

Ocean Floor Maps  http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/image/seafloor.html

Sea floor Topography Maps  http://topex.ucsd.edu/marine_topo/mar_topo.html

The Times Atlas and Encyclopaedia of the Sea  - Located in the Reference Room G2800.T5 1990.


Use these databases to search for references and abstracts for journal articles, books, dissertations and more in the fields of geology and oceanography.
Georef http://libraries.mit.edu/get/georef
Geobase http://libraries.mit.edu/get/geobase
Oceanic Abstracts http://libraries.mit.edu/get/oceanic

Electronic journals:

Search University Library for Electronic Journals- http://river.mit.edu/mitlibweb/FMPro?-db=RS_Items.fp5&-Lay=web&-format=ro_search.htm&-findany - Using MIT as a placeholder for this non-existent school.

Other Useful Links:

The Geological Time Scale  http://www.geo.ucalgary.ca/~macrae/timescale/timescale.html

USGS  Coastal and Marine Geology Program http://marine.usgs.gov/ - hurricane damage, erosion, coastal changes, beaches, corals, volcanoes and many other topics. Maps, datasets, movies, educational materials, images and publications.

IODP homepage http://www.oceandrilling.org/ - The IODP, formerly the Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) and the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) has been collecting cores from the ocean floor worldwide for global studies in marine geology since 1968.

National Geophysical Data Center http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/
    See their Images: visualizing data page  http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/image/images.html for a wide variety of presentations of data in a visual format.
    Also their Links to Educational Resources -http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/education.html

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration -  http://www.noaa.gov/ -Satellite imagery, maps, Information on the coastal, paleoclimatology, and many related programs.

Visible Earth http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/Oceans/  "A searchable directory of images, visualizations,  and animations of the Earth"

Best Beaches 2004 - http://www.drbeach.org/drbeach/ Mixing his expertise in coastal geology with a little
dose of relaxation and pleasure, Dr. Stephen Leatherman of Florida International University presents the ten
top beaches of the year.

Page revised 12/3/2004
All links verified 12/4/2004 and all print materials available in the School of Marine and Atmospheric Science Library as of 12/4/2004.

Please direct any comments or questions regarding this website to karr@simmons.edu